See! his new big bag hehe.. if we going Barcelona next year will come in good use hehe..
We got katok by some tuk tuk driver as he brought us to eat very expensive food...
Joowell, Shaun and Terence
A proud moment haha
Ah beng and ah lian
SpRoUtS Of NoNsEnSiCaL, RiDiCuLoUs, IrRaTiOnAl, SeNsElEsS, AbSuRd, IlLoGiCaL, SiLlY, PrEpOsTeRoUs, BiZaRrE, OuTrAgEoUs, EcCeNtRiC, OuTlAnIsH, PoInTlEsS NoNsEnSe
See! his new big bag hehe.. if we going Barcelona next year will come in good use hehe..
We got katok by some tuk tuk driver as he brought us to eat very expensive food...
Joowell, Shaun and Terence
A proud moment haha
Ah beng and ah lian
In Remembrance of the ex-colleague, ME, from 27th March 2006 - 8th August 2007
Oh ya for those who still dunno.. i chopped off my hair hehe..
cannot rem e name of this temple but sy went to qiu qian.. she say very accurate..
then e shopping started!! sy went mad in H&M hehe.. someone shld open H&M here...
Lost??? We had dim sum and steamboat.. yum..stayed at sy's dad place for the first night.. the house was really like in the HK movie.. shophouses with gates at the roadside.. so fun! the next day we both checked in to our hotels.. i was staying at some ulu hotel in the western part of the new territories and sy stayed at disneyland... we stayed very far from each other la..
stayed at this hotel.. very far from everywhere else but very quiet and peaceful there.. from there we took a bus to disney to check into their hotel.
take picture.. on the bus to disney
i am piglet and baby is Lilo or is it Stich???
Me and my baby..
Yay!! we are going to HK next week!!! so exciting!!!
Sitiing there hearing our conversations, i relaise how long i have not contacted them.. some of the topics i do not understand and i guess i was siting at the end so i could not hear what was at the other end.. we are all so busy with our own lives nowadays that i hardly have the time to talk to them.. esp when Theresa say that her fav color is now White.. i didn't even know that.. i was a little upset but i guess i deserved it...
I guess among the 4 of us, i am the most detached one... I know all of us are busy but at least they take the effort to meet up or call each other.. sometimes i wish i can do more as well but i can't seem to find the time or i am jus bo xim.. sorry girls u are always the ones to organise outings.. thanks for taking the effort to include me.. i really appreciate it..
Hope we all find our dream jobs soon!!
our 2 cai sen ye!!
e girls in the committee..
GoNg Xi Fa CaI!!!!!
so fast the long weekend is over and i am back at my desk.. so sian. no mood to work today.. anyway boss not ard today heh.. CNY passed so fast.. didn't do much though but at least this year my house had more visitors so my ah gong is happier heh..
actually there is really nothing much for me to write about my CNY celebration.. ya so boring rite..
Josh and bear bear..
so cute!!.. i mean bear bear...
baby and monkey.. really need to thank monkey and sy for thieir help.. so nice of them..
4 cuties... sy and drumstick.. me and bear bear heh..
baby and his 10 year good fren, Jimmy..
baby's 2kg cake.. compliments of Josh Keli and Ying heh..
birthday kiss heh..
baby with his colleagues..
the boys..
the girls.. hmmm...
me and my baby..
And his celebration continued on till countdown on Christmas eve.. spent christmas countdown at clarke quay.. only me and baby cos they all went into Clinic and nv came out.. oh wells..
Josh's birthday was spent at wine bar and mj at my hse.. lost money as usual.. drove my parents to e airport and came home to sleep.. had e car for e long weekend hehe. BUT i had a minor accident.. yes again.. had to take e car to e workshop and i am still praying my daddy dun find about the changed bumper.. sigh something gotta happen on the last day of 2006.. so suay..
Countdown at Clarke Quay again.. this time with dyann, corine, Jaslyn and our other halfs.. ok for them it is as corine and jas are getting married soon... saw fireworks.. so nice heh..
Went to see the Westie i wan to buy yesterday.. its so cute!! its e NYDC dog.. i wan!! but i on't know if i can afford it and i know my auntie will be very scared of it sigh... how?? but i like.. shall go look for dogs after work heh..
Basically i spent my holiday sleeping through the day and staying up at night... back to work now.. bummer!!