Tuesday, June 29, 2010

StEp InTo My ShOeS...

Sometimes I really wonder why most people cannot put themselves in other people's shoes and stop to think rather than only thinking about themselves?

I must say sometimes I do not always practice that.. but at least i will try to stop and think before saying or doing anything..

But then again.. if everyone can do that, there will be so much lesser gossip to share!

Monday, June 07, 2010

No MoNdAy BlUeS

Even though its Monday, I had a great start to the day. hao decided not to go to work so he surprised me at my door to bring me for breakfast and to work.. I scolded him for being so irresponsible and his reply was "but I miss u what" (of cos later i found out the real reason: he had the runs) but that really made my day..

Its a very nice warm and fuzzy feeling to know you are being loved.. I hope this feeling stays till I can no longer feel...