Yesterday on the bus home from work, There was this ang moh who got up e bus at the same stop as me and sat next to me at the last long row... i work at shenton way and hence there are many many pple who wan to rush home after work.. as usual the bus was very packed...
Beside the ang moh was the last seat on the bus.. so there was this lady who saw it and wanted to sit down.. however the guy in front of her discovered the seat as well and he sat down instead.. and guess wat?? the ang moh stood up and gave his seat to the lady!!.. okay maybe its nothing shocking but that was such a nice gesture..
and that's not the end yet.. after 1 stop he got a seat again so he sat down.. then came an old couple.. the ah gong let his wife sit and he had to stand and this very very gentleman ang moh stood up again and let the ah gong sit...2 times on the same journey.. that is really really sweet.. which makes me wonder why most Singaporeans are so oblivious to the needs of others...
There were s few young men on the bus sitting on the outside of the seat and highly capable of giving up their seats but they all choose to pretend that they did not see the old man.. so what if you had a bad day at work? it doesn't give you the excuse to make others' day as bad as yours.. doing something good will actually make you feel alot better..
i tink that is really really sad.. Singaporeans should learn to be more gracious and try to care for others.. I am not saying all Singaporeans are ungracious and ungentlemanly and I dun tink all ang mohs are gentlemanly.. but i think we can all learn to be nicer to others..
And Theresa.. remember you said you will marry the guy who gives up his seat for u? i tink i have found your husband..