Saturday, February 24, 2007

GoInG BaCk To ScHoOl..

Tink i might go back to school.. gonna study another part time degree in Psychology..
I am going to be a psychologist!!.. but very expensive

Should i?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I DuN WaNnA Be BiTcHy...

Sy jus said this to me...

YoU'rE NoT VoCaL AnD BiTcHy EnOuGh To Be In MaRkEtInG..

YoU CaN't Be SuCcEsSfUl In MaRkEtInG If YoU'rE NoT BiTcHy..

Go TrY SoMeThInG ElSe..

OUCH!! Ya it really hurts..
What else can i do?

HaPpY PiG YeAr!!

Had my company's celebration last week.. am part of the social recreation committee in my company.. so tiring to plan a celebration man..

our 2 cai sen ye!!

me and sy with 1 cai sen.. heh huat ah!

e girls in the committee..

GoNg Xi Fa CaI!!!!!

so fast the long weekend is over and i am back at my desk.. so sian. no mood to work today.. anyway boss not ard today heh.. CNY passed so fast.. didn't do much though but at least this year my house had more visitors so my ah gong is happier heh..

actually there is really nothing much for me to write about my CNY celebration.. ya so boring rite..

Friday, February 16, 2007

UgLiNeSs On ThE TrAiN...

Was on the train to sembawang the other day.. as some of you might know i really do not like taking the train as i tink the train ride brings out the worst in Singaporeans.. its disgusting the way some people behave..

Being Number 1 - Even before the train is here, they squeeze all the way to the just before the yellow line to make sure they are in front After the door is opened, not waiting for passengers to alight they rush in hoping to be the first and get their butts on a vacant seat.

Butts with glue - Securing a seat, as if their butts are temporarily glued on, nobody seem to pay any attention to the old man / woman, a child, or a mother carrying a baby.. some conveniently "dozed" off pretending not to see the poor person struggling maintain their balance.

No backbone is it? - Talking about balancing in the train, it irritates me to see someone leaning on the pole while everyone is trying to get a grip..

Your home ah? - Someone need to teach these young people manners.. they tink the train is their home is it? sit on the floor (although i admit did that before but i was still young and ignorant), talk as if everyone is listening to them give a speech and on the radio so that everyone can enjoy the music as well..

Now coming to the main point of this post.. Saw a group of small young ah lians the other day and they were talking so loudly and playing music from their handphone as if they were they were the only ones in th train.. plus there was a kid beside them with a maid carrying a baby and all they did was to create more noise and be oblivious to blood was boiling man!.. wanted to go up to all 4 of them and smack the daylights out of them..

Ya i took quite a while to get to the main point hehe..

Monday, February 12, 2007

ThAtS Me!!

I am confused..
I know i shold not stay here..
I know she is not doing me justice..
I know she is stepping all over me..
I know i am not treated fairly..
Yet why do i still try to find excuses for her?
I am so weird.. balme myself for being such a naive, silly and stupid person..
but I doubt i will change..
Most of the time, I choose to see the better side of people..

Thursday, February 08, 2007

AnOtHeR DaTe...

Had dinner yesterday at Gardenasia in Sungei Buloh wetland.. its a very long way in.. never knew such a place existed in Singapore though.. very serene and quiet place surrounded by greenery and water.. went with co dy and lin for an event jointly organised by NEA and SDS... ya sort of like a dating thing but i was only there for the food and accompany them.. the menu i was promised was not there.. instead had a buffet dinner of the usual stuff.. so disappointing..

The people who attended were quite old and i tink we were the youngest there.. played some games and had a mini gift exchange... thats about it but the whole event was not too bad.. thought it was better than the speed dating thing..

yup.. this is the foursome from IJ.. my khakis in Sec..