Tuesday, January 30, 2007
LiFe AnD DeAtH...
Sat was a sad day as i received news that she has passed on that morning... although i knew she was sick it still came as a shock to me.. I did not know whether to be upset or happy for her.. st least she is no longer in pain and suffering..
Its scary to know things happen so fast and so unpredictable.. for all you know I might not be around tomorrow too...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
WhAt A DeCeMbEr!!
Josh and bear bear..
so cute!!.. i mean bear bear...
baby and monkey.. really need to thank monkey and sy for thieir help.. so nice of them..
4 cuties... sy and drumstick.. me and bear bear heh..
baby and his 10 year good fren, Jimmy..
baby's 2kg cake.. compliments of Josh Keli and Ying heh..
birthday kiss heh..
baby with his colleagues..
the boys..
the girls.. hmmm...
me and my baby..
poor bear bear hehe..And his celebration continued on till countdown on Christmas eve.. spent christmas countdown at clarke quay.. only me and baby cos they all went into Clinic and nv came out.. oh wells..
Josh's birthday was spent at wine bar and mj at my hse.. lost money as usual.. drove my parents to e airport and came home to sleep.. had e car for e long weekend hehe. BUT i had a minor accident.. yes again.. had to take e car to e workshop and i am still praying my daddy dun find about the changed bumper.. sigh something gotta happen on the last day of 2006.. so suay..
Countdown at Clarke Quay again.. this time with dyann, corine, Jaslyn and our other halfs.. ok for them it is as corine and jas are getting married soon... saw fireworks.. so nice heh..
Went to see the Westie i wan to buy yesterday.. its so cute!! its e NYDC dog.. i wan!! but i on't know if i can afford it and i know my auntie will be very scared of it sigh... how?? but i like.. shall go look for dogs after work heh..
So cute!! heh I like!!Basically i spent my holiday sleeping through the day and staying up at night... back to work now.. bummer!!