show u picture of e flowers...
nice hor heh.. seldom get flowers la let me hao lian can? hehe
SpRoUtS Of NoNsEnSiCaL, RiDiCuLoUs, IrRaTiOnAl, SeNsElEsS, AbSuRd, IlLoGiCaL, SiLlY, PrEpOsTeRoUs, BiZaRrE, OuTrAgEoUs, EcCeNtRiC, OuTlAnIsH, PoInTlEsS NoNsEnSe
Yes smoking Kills.. and baby and Keli each bought 3 packs for $10.. damn cheap la
before we bosrd the boat...
A photo when we jus stepped onto Batam ground
the boys.. keli tip toeing.. trying to be taller than baby.. tsk..we are more normal heh.. Batam has got an ugly beach
Timer ------ SHOOT!
lazing at the pool
eh.. ya the 4 of us...
Spies behind us!!.. on the boat back..
Thats e end of our weekend at Batam.. hmmm.. i wonder where next???